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This post is a sensitive but real topic, I am not used to talking or putting my opinion on something like this, but it needs to be said.

Police are supposed to protect us from the danger, from the villains, from the evil. They are supposed to be the light in a dark time to calm us down and assure us that we are protected and not in danger. Past events that are recent and very long overdue have surfaced, and it is disappointing that the people we think are behind that badge are gone. They are supposed to protect EVERYONE! not just people who look like them. When I was little, I wanted to be a police officer; I tried to fight crime, I wanted to be a superhero- this, this is not what superheroes do, this is not what you are supposed to do. I am 16. I am scared. I don't want to grow up in a world where we fear the people who are supposed to protect us. Who saves us from the police?

Going on to more matters, look in the mirror. You have beautiful eyes, a nose, a chin, a mouth, teeth, arms, legs, a beautiful body no matter what. We all bleed; we all have red blood flowing through us every day. Why can't that be enough to show we are the same. Different personalities, different beliefs, but in the end, we are all human. I am black, but that doesn't define me. I am also a lot of other things like you- Athletic, intelligent, artistic, healthy, open-minded, friendly. There are so many more things that you are, so much more than skin color.

🖤George Floyd

🖤Breonna Taylor

🖤Ahmad Arbery

🖤Botham Jean

🖤Tamir Rice

🖤Trayvon Martin

🖤Eric Garner

🖤Philando Castile

🖤Samuel Dubose

🖤Sandra Bland

🖤Walter Scott

🖤Jordan Davis

Know these names and know there are more names. Say these names and Use your voice; take action on behalf of these names.

I am not saying our lives matter more. I will never say that I will never say one life matters more; I will never say only black lives matter. It is a plea, a call for an understanding that we matter TOO. We cannot say all lives matter UNTIL black lives matter.

Ways you can help:

Black Lives Matter is not a trend. Keep speaking up and using your voice.

byeeee, <3



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