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For the Freshman trip ever yea, my school decides to pick a place out of the country to go, this year was our turn, and we went to NEPAL!

Nepal was honestly a fantastic place to visit. It is so beautiful, in my opinion. Geographically Nepal is located in Asia, lying along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain ranges. Initially, it was a lot to get used to at first; for one, the time difference was a real kicker; I think I was sleeping all day or felt tired all day and alive all night; it took a while to get used to it. Also the food, I mainly ate rice, which is fine because that's what I like, but they had this mango juice that I loved and still want more.

We stayed in four hotels, all honestly amazing, and in that time, I had two different roommates; very different experiences, a little bit the same. The first girl I stayed with wasn't someone I used to talk to a lot. Still, she is honestly pretty cool; I liked sharing a room with her, I shared a room with her the last night we were in Nepal, and I think we were both feeling the same way about the room after a giant beetle dropped on my tablet. We both ran out of the room, I am not scared of bugs, but if a bug comes from nowhere out of the ceiling, I will run away. Another instance was with the second roommate I chose to room with, no offense to the first one, like I said, I never really talked to her, but I am glad we lived together. Anyway, my second roommate is one of my close friends, and we were sharing a room in Nepal. A wasp. A wasp was flying around our room. Another bug. Now picture this, you are hot, with barely any air conditioning, and you are also getting chased out the room by bugs the size of quarters(be honest, you would be scared too)

Luckily that wasn't the only thing that happened on the trip. There were so many things that I loved. Our motto at the school is "Be Ambitious," and of course, driving through a safari, that is what we got; an ambitious driver. Our driver wanted to take a short cut through the woods to get to the next task faster. Well, the jeep ended up getting stuck in the mud; my phone was dying, so I didn't get any photos, but when I tell you, you would have to see it to believe it. That was honestly the best time ever, of course; it was sad but at the same time hilarious. We were lost and stranded for about two hours until another jeep came, and we left that jeep. But oh my god! I always laugh when thinking about it. Another funny thing is elephants love me! I mean, this adorable baby elephant came towards me and just brushed against my arm; I lost my shoe, but it was fun.

All the elephants were so cute! We even got to help wash them, the water wasn't spotless, so that we couldn't stay there for long, but it was so cool. I had a great time with the elephants; they are honestly very gentle animals, especially the babies. I wish we spent more time with them. But down below are the baby elephants, I don't think they were the ones that brushed up against me, but it was around the same size. Trust me, compared to the adult elephants; they are babies.

Below is one of the sunsets, one of my favorite parts about Nepal, the colors in the sky, the golden hours, these would last for a long time, where you could enjoy them, not just for the picture but for the moment.

Another thing we did was go to one of the schools in the area! We played soccer, tag, piggyback races, and we helped paint the school. It was such a fun and beautiful experience. The kids are so sweet and curious. At the time, I had braids in my hair, and they were so interested in them. We took photos and videos together, and one of my friends taught them Swahili. It was a fun day, and those kids are very competitive. We were able to help paint the school and the classrooms and got a flower reef from them as a gift and a thank you for helping them.

There were so many beautiful things on that trip, but these were the highlights for me and the things I will never forget! I am happy I went and hope to take another trip like it. Ten days wasn't long enough <3

byeeee, <3



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