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Hello people! Today is an exciting day because I'm officially launching my new blog!!!! WOOOOO!! So as an introductory post, I'm going to tell you a little about myself. Some of my likes, my dislikes, and what makes me, me!

I am an overall city girl, —100%. I have grown up and lived in the city my whole life. The city life is inspiring every day, and I love the overall vibes and feeling you get, especially in the winter and summertime.

I love to Code. Whether it is for an actual assignment in computer science or another class or maybe even outside of school, I have a real passion for computer science and hope to impact the world with it one day.

I love playing volleyball; I have mainly played hitter spots like the opposite and outside, but I prefer the opposite over any position because it is more thrilling and challenging at first, which sometimes makes it fun.

I may or may not have a slight addiction, too, Starbucks. So here's the thing, think about it: Starbucks is so versatile and calming, depending on what you order. I'm not too fond of coffee, which is ironic because I love a Starbucks coffee very conflicting. I order different things based on seasons, which sounds basic, but it's pretty nice because it can keep you refreshed for all the seasons. The best thing about the menus is that it is very versatile, but so is Starbucks itself; need to do homework? Go to Starbucks. Want to meet up with a friend? Go to Starbucks. Going on a date? Go to Starbucks. Simple as that.

I love photography. Whether it be taking pictures of people or things, I can express myself through photographs. I love showing different aspects of my life through pictures on my Instagram. Photo editing is something I enjoy a lot as well.

Another thing that is very surprising to people when I tell people is that I love graphic design. I am a graphic designer for my school magazine. I started in middle school and have loved it since; it helps me keep that crafty side without the logic.

Traveling is another big passion of mine. I have a bucket list of places I want to travel to in the US. Including, of course, travel outside of the US to as many countries as possible. I would love to travel a lot before I get into college or before I graduate from college. Honestly, either one would be great! I started traveling a little, but I had to stop abruptly, so I miss it.

I do not think many people know this about me, but I also have a love for astronomy. I find outer space SO fascinating. (And yes, Space Mountain is my favorite ride in Magic Kingdom, of course!) Stargazing is just so amazing to me, and it makes me feel so small. Because there are so many more galaxies and planets and stars out there, and I am just a little speck of dust compared to them. Do you ever sit and think about how there is more out there than only earth??? And how little our small, silly problems are in the grand scheme of things?? I think it's just crazy to ponder about it for a while. I used to want to major in something with astrophysics and engineering, but I still keep it a hobby to have fun.

Lastly, I love sushi. Which I think is more of an obsession than Starbucks. At least that's what my close - friends believe. I could eat sushi every day if my mom would let me, but I guess not. So, I eat it maybe once a week, which is still bad, but it's an improvement from the summer of 2019 when my whole plate consisted of fruit and sushi every day.

That concludes things that define me! I hope you all enjoyed my first post, and be on the lookout for more posts to come soooooon!

byeeee, <3



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