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6 types of rest to allow yourself


Physical rest is the most common type of rest. Physical rest includes sleeping or taking a nap. However, it can consist of having a nice relaxing, peaceful day where your body doesn't go through extra effort. physical rest can include a yoga session instead of a run. All you need to rest physically is a calm day to yourself. I recommend the app calm and headspace for meditating. When you have pushed your body hard, it needs time to recover; no matter if it is a regular day at school or work, you still need time to relax and calm down.


Mental rest is honestly the one that has been impacting teens the most, especially during these past few months. Have you ever stayed up all night cramming for an exam only to not remember anything the morning of the test? It is because your brain needs sleep, and it needs mental rest. Mental rest is where you take a break from the textbook you are using and give your brain a chance to process the information, make connections, and cement memories. To do this, you must change your location; go on a walk, or hang out with friends. It is not illegal to take breaks, and it helps more than you think.


You know one thing from this year I have learned? When you are going through emotional exhaustion, your tolerance for strong feelings is lower. It means you will lose your temper more quickly, or you will start crying faster than usual in a situation. It might also manifest as physical tiredness and lack of motivation. This has been something I think we as Gen Z has to learn to alleviate in 2021, especially with online school. You might want to remove or take a break from emotional triggers, which can be anything. Give yourself space and time to process things that have happened; it could be a bad grade on a test, a business deal that didn't go through, or even the small things like forgetting something and not sticking to a goal. 


Creative rest and mental rest can be close to the same thing, but it isn't. Creativity is from seeing things differently compared to others and developing a different perspective. However, creating something can lead to more developing your ideas than standing back and looking around for a second and exploring the world around you. Being on a creative rest means taking some time to observe. Write down the new ideas you see and keep resting. Let your self recharge before you go back into a new task.


I live in the city—full of noises, different sights, smells, and textures. During school and work, the conscious mind tends to tune certain things out to focus on the task at hand. However, our brain is still taking in those city feels, and this can lead to overload. This can be caused by many bright flashing lights that have a plethora of colors, or maybe constant voices speaking at once. To avoid overload, try having a place where you can relax and have minimal sensory distractions. What helped me was a weighted blanket and face mask.


Lastly is social rest. With everything that has happened, I think everyone will remember that 6-month period where we all had to stay in our houses and block ourselves from the world, also known as quarantine. Being confined to our homes with nothing but Netflix and food, we were forced to stay away from friends. However, this can be considered social rest. Social rest gives us a break from hanging out with others; this is important because it gives us a chance to connect with ourselves and experience our own company without others' distraction. You cannot entirely run away from yourself. It is the only constant so try to learn something new about yourself. During quarantine, you may have found something new you enjoyed, and that was because you were taking some time to yourself. You're body thanks you, and hopes you do that again sometime soon.


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