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Ruby Gerhardt

The truth behind being vegan!

If you use any form of social media, you’ve probably heard of veganism. Anywhere from Reddit to TikTok, vegans are always brought up. Although the topic is mentioned a lot, not everyone understands the reasons behind the lifestyle. People decide to go on a plant-based diet for a variety of reasons; anywhere from health to ethical and environmental. The diet and movement have become increasingly popular over the years and the community is continuing to grow.

So, why vegan? I went vegan for the animals. I became vegetarian when I was nine, and started my transition to a vegan diet in high-school. I've always been an animal lover, and to know the cruel practices that these animals are forced to endure breaks my heart. I knew that I needed to make a change in my lifestyle to combat my conflicting morals. Ethics are a huge factor for people becoming vegan, but there are also other reasons why people develop a plant-based diet.

A major reason people are switching to a plant-based diet is environmental concerns. Climate change is an issue plaguing this planet, and animal agriculture is a huge contributor. 75% of all deforestation is caused by farm animals. And that percentage only accounts for the space used by livestock, it doesn't account for the space used to grow food that these animals eat. Nearly 80% of soy, 70% of corn, and 85% of grains are grown for animals. Cornell University estimates that in the US, 800 million people could be fed with the grain that is fed to cattle. We produce enough food to feed the entire human population, but because of animal agriculture, animals are getting that food instead of people. Similar to food use, animal agriculture also wastes water (1 lb of beef= 1,799 gallons of water, 1 lb of pork= 576 gallons of water). So much water and food are wasted for these animals, and it is taking a toll on both people and the planet. 23% of greenhouse gas emissions are from livestock, and this percentage does not include the dairy or egg industry, so the actual percentage is much higher. Animal agriculture is extremely wasteful and detrimental to the planet, and if we want to rebuild our ecosystem, the first place to look is our diet.

I understand that there are many concerns about a plant-based diet, some fear that it isn’t healthy. However, there are actually many health benefits associated with a vegan diet, such as weight loss, improved kidney function, lowered risk of developing breast cancer and prostate cancer, and a lower risk of heart disease. Also with the prevalence of zoonotic illnesses caused by eating animals (COVID-19, SARS, Ebola, Mad Cow's Disease, HIV, Bird Flu, Seasonal Flu, and MERS), many are taking it upon themselves to eliminate the threat of starting another pandemic in the future by choosing to not eat meat.

There are vegans everywhere: Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Venus Williams, and even Kendrick Farris (America's strongest weightlifter)! These people are thriving on a diet without any animal products, and you can too. I love being vegan, and I hope you will consider this lifestyle as well. You can start small, even as small as eating one plant-based meal a week, or you can jump right in and become 100% plant-based. Best of luck!


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