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Valentina Ramirez

The importance of motivating girls to pursue STEM w/STEM Girl Talk

What is STEM?

STEM is a form of educational structure that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. It covers a broad spectrum of careers that focus on those four areas of study. By studying STEM based majors, students develop key skills such as: problem solving, critical analysis, initiative, creativity, and others.

The demand for STEM careers

Many countries have a huge need for people educated in STEM programs. The continual advances in technology are changing how students learn and interact every day. Thanks to the skills that are developed by students through STEM, they are provided with the foundation to succeed in their careers. In addition, employer demand for STEM degree graduates is high and will continue to increase in the future.

Why is STEM education important?

STEM- based education teaches students a variety of skill sets including 21st- century skills which are essential for many future career paths. Other important skills learned are critical thinking and initiative, which are the basis of innovation. With the high demand for STEM degree graduates, the supply simply does not meet the demand. According to the U.S Department of Education, STEM learning opportunities are not accessible to most of our youth. The accessibility for these opportunities lowers even more for girls. That is why more initiatives for STEM-based education targeted to girls need to be implemented all around the World.

Why are women underrepresented in STEM?

There are several factors that explain women’s underrepresentation in STEM. Societal norms influence women’s low participation in STEM fields. Stereotypes that define traditionally “feminine” or “masculine” professions leave these fields completely dominated by men. Another factor that causes this is the lack of female role models in STEM, many girls feel discouraged to study STEM majors because they do not have many women to look up to for guidance. Currently, the percentage of women in the STEM workforce is 22%. It is crucial that we put in our efforts in order to raise this percentage.

How “StemGirlTalk” was born

The best way to combat this underrepresentation is by breaking stereotypes and educating people. That is why I created a Tiktok account called “StemGirlTalk”. Tiktok is a platform that enables your content to be exposed to hundreds and thousands of people, so I thought this was the best way to get my message across.

What content does “StemGirlTalk” upload?

“StemGirlTalk” focuses on providing educational content to inform its audience about different STEM-related subjects, statistics, or even controversies. This content is mixed in with comedic and relatable videos to be able to reach younger audiences and make them interested in my STEM-based account. The main point that I want to get across is that everyone can study STEM majors, and no one should be scared or discouraged to do so.

Thankful for the support I have received

During the past month I have received a lot of support. “StemGirlTalk” has gained 1.5K followers and over 33.4K likes and the number keeps growing each day. In return for this outstanding support, I always try to answer all the doubts people may have in the comment section and show my support to those that feel discouraged. This is only the beginning of this account, but I can anticipate that good things are coming and that “StemGirlTalk” will continue to reach more people.



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